Amanda Macdonald
de Souza Nurse
RN, BScN, HBSc, CON(C) - Registered Nurse, Outpatient Oncology - Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie

Amanda MacDonald currently works at the Simcoe Muskoka Regional Cancer Center at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie as a float Registered Nurse. She is trained to work in systemic therapy, radiation, Ontario Telemedicine Network navigator, leukemia nurse navigator, and thoracic diagnostic assessment program.
Amanda began taking de Souza Institute courses in 2012 right after graduating from nursing school as she had immediately developed a passion for oncology care. The de Souza Institute was there to support her along the way in advancing her knowledge base and giving her the capability to provide well-informed, patient centered care and support patients/families throughout their cancer journey.
Obtaining her de Souza Nurse Designation was a long journey, but one that was well worth it in the end and made a lot easier with all of the support received along the way from both colleagues at the Royal Victoria Hospital and the de Souza Institute.