Stephanie Ouellette
de Souza Nurse
RN, CON(C) - Registered Nurse, Outpatient Chemotherapy - Jack Ady Cancer Centre, Lethbridge

Stephanie currently works as a chemotherapy nurse at the Jack Ady Cancer Centre in Lethbridge, Alberta. She began taking de Souza courses in 2010, while living and working in Ontario. Being dedicated to providing the best possible care for her patients, she was excited to hear that the de Souza Institute was there to provide nurses with up to date, evidence based education as well as promote excellence in oncology nursing.
Since completing her de Souza fellowship in the fall of 2015, Stephanie’s designation has given her the confidence to pursue other professional goals. In October 2016, she will become the new national treasurer of the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology (CANO).