Recognizing our 2017 de Souza Designates

December 19, 2017 | ,

The year of 2017 has seen some remarkable clinicians being honoured for their hard work, passion and dedication to improving patient care. There are many notable firsts; the first de Souza Designates in Kingston, Guelph and Manitoulin Island, the first de Souza Designate in Mental Health and the first de Souza Designate from the Victorian Order of Nurses (VON).

We are extremely proud of all our de Souza Designates and congratulate our newest additions. The team welcomes two de Souza Advance Practice Nurses and five de Souza Nurse Associates in 2017. Congratulations to you all!

de Souza APNs
Janet Giroux, Kingston
Adrienne Fulford, London
de Souza Nurse Associates
Myra Henderson, Kagawong
Elain Whitehurst, Pickering
Helen ‘t Hart, Hamilton
Erin Schmid, Fergus
Jo-Dee Brown, Harrow
A special thank you to all of the organizations that supported these extraordinary designates.  By providing the best possible care, the patients and family experience is enhanced. A warm de Souza thank you to: Kingston General Hospital, London Health Sciences, Manitoulin Health Centre, Victorian Order of Nurses Hamilton, Guelph General Hospital and Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare at Windsor.